Preservative- free multidose containing a special biomolecule of hyaluronic acid

Acuaiss Ultra moisturising drops is a sterile, viscoelastic and hypotonic preservative-free solution in multidose format. It contains hyaluronic acid, which provides prolonged relief for dry,tired and stressed eyes

Deliver Spain Quality

Use up to 300 drops 


Valid for 90days


Target User

  • Indicated in cases of mild dry eye caused by adverse environmental circumstances (exposure to air-conditioning, heating, etc.).
  • Contact lens users with added dry eye problems.
  • Computer Vision Syndrome, since the low blinking frequency, impairs tear quality and renders the use of specific moisturizers necessary.
  • Moisturizing drops with hyaluronic acid.
  • Immediate eye relief in case of mild dry eye


Why does it provide immediate relief?

Because hyaluronic acid is an excellent moisturizer
. It has great water retention capacity.
. It remains in the eye for longer than other moisturizing drops.
. It increases TBUT. (Tear Beak-up Time)

Because hyaluronic acid has a regenerating action
.Hyaluronic acid has a healing effect on the corneal epithelium, since it binds to the CD44 receptor, promoting the epithelial cell proliferation

What does a hyaluronic acid biomolecule do?

It provides very high viscosity
.To restore the tear film’s stability, high viscosity is required when the eye is open and fluidity when it closes during blinking.
.The higher the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid, the greater the consistency of the tear during the rest phase and the greater the sensation of comfort.
.The hyaluronic acid biomolecule present in Acuaiss Ultra has a high molecular weight (2 million Daltons)

It helps to make the formula similar to the composition of the human tear

  • To restore the tear film’s stability, high viscosity is required when the eye is open and fluidity when it closes during blinking.
  • The higher the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid, the greater the consistency of the tear during the rest phase and the greater the sensation of comfort.
  • The hyaluronic acid biomolecule present in Acuaiss Ultra has a high molecular weight (2 million Daltons)

Slightly hypotonic formula

Acuaiss Ultra is slightly hypotonic in order to balance the greater concentration of salts present in an unstable tear film.


.For contact lens wearers with problems caused by dry eyes
.For daily contact lens users
.For people with eye conditions caused by contact lens friction when blinking
.For people who are sensitive to preservatives

Tear film viscosity

The link between the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid in an artificial tear and tear film viscosity.

The tear film has viscoelastic properties, i.e. it is viscous when the eye is open and becomes fluid when the eyelid closes. To achieve this effect, artificial tears should imitate the behaviour of natural tears as closely as possible. Hyaluronic acid has those same properties, which together with its ability to store water, make it the ideal component in formulas intended to keep the eye hydrated.

Hyaluronic acid is a polymer distributed in chains. It can be produced with different molecular weights, which depend on the length of those chains:

Low molecular weight HA: approximately 50,000 Daltons

Medium molecular weight HA: approximately 300,000 Daltons

High molecular weight HA: approximately 1,000,000 Daltons

The higher the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid used, the greater its viscoelastic properties will be and the longer it will remain in the eye. Greater viscosity means more comfort.

The graph below shows the viscosity of various hyaluronic acid solutions with different molecular weights crossed with the shear stress that is caused when blinking. It is clear from the graph that the higher the molecular weight, the greater the viscosity when the eye is open.

Another variable to be borne in mind is the concentration of HA, which also affects hydration. Furthermore, high concentrations of HA have been linked to patients experiencing blurred vision. It has therefore been found that concentrations of 0.10 to 0.20% provide a sufficient degree of hydration, and that increasing that concentration does not improve hydration but can cause blurred vision.

It is advisable to use high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in formulations that are intended to ease the symptoms of dry eye syndrome as it helps keep the artificial tear in the eye for longer, thus enhancing its efficacy and making it more comfortable.

Acuaiss Ultra Moisturizing Drops contain very high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (2,000,000 Daltons) at a concentration of 0.15%, which guarantees the viscosity of the tear film without causing blurred vision, ensuring maximum hydration.

Special OSD Bottle

A bottle design that enables us to use preservative-free formulas

The bottle containing Acuaiss Ultra Moisturizing Drops is designed to protect its contents from external contamination

The OSD bottle protects its contents from external microbes thanks to a filter that prevents contaminated air from coming into contact with the liquid inside. This is possible because the OSD system features separate circuits to let air into the bottle and let liquid out.

The liquid is dispensed through the dropper due to the pressure created when squeezing the bottle. Once the drop has formed, an inner device shuts the system to prevent microorganisms from entering through the dropper.

But the OSD bottle needs an air inlet in order to recover its shape. That air flows in through a side circuit that is physically separate from the liquid outlet, and passes through a sterilising filter.

Method of use

Method of use
1. Remove the safety seal on the cap before using the product for the first time.
2. Remove the cap.
3. Squeeze both sides of the bottle with your fingers until a drop forms. Pour the drop straight into your eye or onto your contact lens.
4. Place the cap back on the bottle after use.



0.15% sodium hyaluronate, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, edetate disodium, and purified water

Acuaiss Ultra moisturizing drops are preservative-free artificial tears that come in a 10 ml bottle. They contain a biomolecule of hyaluronic acid.
Formulated to provide long-lasting relief for people with dry, tired or strained eyes.

Long-lasting moisturization


hyaluronic acid provides a long-lasting effect as the corneal epithelium contains CD44 receptors (glycoproteins) that recognize and bind to the HA molecule. This ensures it will remain in the eye for longer than other moisturizing drops, which are more quickly eliminated through the lacrimal sac.


  • It moisturizes the eye, providing instant relief for the symptoms of dry eyes and making contact lenses easier to handle.
  • It lubricates the contact lens which reduces the effect of the eyelid rubbing on the lens when blinking. In other words, using hyaluronic acid is like greasing machinery to reduce friction for smooth running. This is crucial considering we unconsciously blink every 5 seconds.
  • It envelops the lens, protecting it from oily deposits. This hyaluronic acid coating makes the contact lens react better to water and repel any remnants of lipids or cosmetics.
  • It prevents calcium from building up on the lens as the formula contains EDTA, a chelate agent that “captures” calcium ions.
  • It is free from preservatives thanks to its OSD system, which seals the content against external microbial contamination and dispenses the exact amount of product.
  • Acuaiss Ultra comes in a 10 ml bottle which guarantees 250 uses. This format is much more practical and affordable than the single-dose alternative, which is designed to be disposed of after one use.

Hyaluronic acid, hydroxyethylcellulose, sodium chloride, sodium tetraborate, boric acid, 0.02% disodium edetate

The hyaluronic acid used in the formula is pharmacopoeialgrade. It is obtained by a biotechnological process that guarantees greater purity and very low polydispersion